Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Clinging, like roses on a vine

Prayer.  It is one of those essential lifelines to a Christian.  I am sure it is essential to life for other religions as well, but as I am a Christian I can only speak for myself.  There are some people I know who pray as instinctively as breathe.  For others, not so much.  Personally, prayer is a challenge to me.  I talk to God all of the time, but do I pray? 

I know of times when I prayed ceaselessly.  Other times I have found myself just gliding along and then BAM, sickness; BAM, death; BAM a crisis.  Those are the wake up calls, the kick in the ribs that have led me clinging to God with fingernails dug in for dear life.

Yes, prayer is a challenge to me mainly because I don’t have confidence in the way I pray.  Am I doing it right?  Am I saying the right things?  Sometimes I feel guilty asking God to listen to me when I am not always listening to Him.  When these difficulties arise I try to remember that Jesus gave us a How-To manual on prayer.  It’s important enough to be mentioned twice in the Gospels, Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. 

One night several years ago I woke up with something on my mind, and I was given a revelation.  It was so strong I sat at my kitchen table and grabbed a pen and the first piece of paper I could find, which happened to be the envelope from Garden Gate magazine wanting me to claim a free holiday gift inside.  I know this because I kept it thinking it might be important one day.

The gift I received wasn’t inside the envelope, but from above.  It was an interpretation of the prayer Jesus taught his disciples to pray. So when I have trouble praying, I think of Jesus and His How-To instructions, and then I think of my interpretation and try to meditate on that. 

Using the prayer in Matthew as a guide, I will share what was revealed to me, including a few extra notes that have come to me right now.  (see italics)

Mat 6:9  After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, (acknowledge God as the heavenly father, the Creator)  Hallowed be thy name. (offer praise to God whose name is sacred).
Mat 6:10  Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (call on God to come into your life and let his will lead you in the direction in which he has planned for you)
Mat 6:11  Give us this day our daily bread. (ask for your needs)
Mat 6:12  And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (ask for forgiveness)
Mat 6:13  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: (ask for protection from sin and the evil which surrounds us) For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. (offer praise to our eternal God) Amen (truly)

You may think my revelation is an obvious interpretation, not a revelation at all.  That’s fine, but I will claim it as I felt it.  I think God speaks to each of us in personal ways whether it is an obvious kick in the ribs or a gentle nudge in the middle of the night.  

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