Monday, February 11, 2013

Tornadoes are not dreams

I grew up in a bubble.  I was too shy to venture far from home and family, I attended a very small Catholic school, and my parents never discussed anything with me that might involve me asking questions they would have to answer.  I have a very much extended family so many of my friends were also my cousins who lived in very similar bubbles of their own.  In other words, I was an over-protected and naïve child.  

If I had to put a mantra on my life it would be “That could never happen to me”.  I guess that’s why anytime anything really bad or good happens in my life I am either sadly shocked or pleasantly surprised.

So many things I thought would never happen did happen.  I have experienced successes, failures, joy, sorrow, acceptance, and rejection.  I have felt insecurity, confidence, fear, bravery, doubt and assurance. 

Never did I think I would lose a cherished friend, a sister, a brother-in-law, my parents, a niece and a nephew.  I lost them all.

Never did I think I would be a wife and a mother.  I am.

Never did I think I would write something and make it public and open for criticism.  I do.

Never did I think a Category 3 hurricane would hit my town, much less my house.  It did.

Never did I think an F4 tornado would hit my town and mow down entire neighborhoods for miles.  It did.  And that was just yesterday.

I learned a long time ago that I am not immune to tragedy, but when it hits it shocks me nonetheless.  It is equally as surprising to me that my family, my sisters and brothers, and most of my friends were spared the destruction of yesterday’s tornado.  My aunt and some cousins were not as fortunate and they will have tough decisions to make in the coming weeks.  

I do not take any blessing lightly.  There are so many things I cannot do, but one thing I can do is offer a prayer of thanksgiving:

Dear God,

Thank you for the storm to remind us of your power.  Thank you for the lives saved that could have so easily been lost.   Thank you for bringing together a community who help each other when times are hard. Thank you for a lesson in what is important and what is not.  I ask you, Lord, for safety and comfort and shelter for those in need, and clear skies for recovery efforts.  Please give us all acceptance of our new reality and inspiration to make positive changes as we rebuild.  And Lord, please let me be useful and give me a purpose. 

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I pray.


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