Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Needing graces

Usually when I write here I give a one-sided account of something going on in my life.  It’s all about me, me, me.  Isn’t that they way of the world these days?  Or so I’ve heard anyway.  This time I want to try a more interactive approach and see what happens.  Here’s the premise:

There is a problem that is worrying me.  I have prayed about it for a long time now, and my feelings go back and forth on the issue.  Sometimes I feel like God is telling me it is ok, let it be, go with the flow, it will all work out in the end.  But then I think about the gravity of the problem and I feel going with the flow is just not the right answer.  This confusion is the source of my greatest conundrum.  How do I know if I am being eased by the voice of God, or being teased by the voice of evil?  

I know Satan is a sly one, the nuns taught me that much.  He knows how to get in your head and give you reasons to justify wrongdoings.  “Go with the flow” is something I would expect from that one, not from the Almighty.  That is why I’m so confused about the right things.  I know the problem I worry about has no easy solution, so when I feel like God is relieving me of it I immediately second guess and think I am being led astray by the wrong voice.

Here’s the interactive part.  I want to know how you, reader, listen for God’s voice?  How do you hear it?  How do you know it?  I’m in my fourth decade, nearing another one, and I don’t think I’ve ever really heard God.  I try to listen, I really do, but it is so hard to tune out all of the static. 

I know people who are staunch Christians who cross the threshold every time the church is open.  I know more relaxed Christians who still have strong convictions and share their faith openly.   I know missionaries and clergy.  I know Christians who diligently study theological ideas and can quote complex texts with complete understanding.  And I know, at least I hope, some of you reading this fall into one or more of these categories.  So here is my request: share with me.

I want to know how you hear the voice of God.  I want to know how you know you are going in the right direction.  Do give me scripture reference suggestions and relate personal experiences.  Do not give me theological essays to read.  I don’t want that, I want personal.  Can you help?  Comment here if you care to share openly or email me at elizabeth.shoemake56@gmail.com.  I may compile and share your ideas later.

Thank you, kindly.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get lots of comments on this, Elizabeth. I myself pray, the regular prayers we learned from our Moms, but intersperse them with conversation, albeit one-sided. I try to thank God for His blessings as much as I ask for them. After all, Jesus said, Ask, and you shall receive, but we should be grateful for all we already have. We just have to remember that God will give us want HE knows we need, not necessarily always that for which we ask.
    As for the issue of how do we know when God is speaking to us, I just think about the consequences of the suggestion. Are they good for us, but bad for someone else? Likely it's NOT God. By their fruits you will know them, is something I think of when I think of the results of my actions. Will what I do reflect well on the God I serve, or will my actions cause others to think less of Him?
